Students participate in a range of competitions. These include the annual UniNSW English, Maths, Digital Technology and Science competitions. Other competitions may include Primary Maths Accosiation Powerful Learners Mathematics Challenge, Tournament of Minds; Lego League, ANZAC Day Schools Award, Oliphant Science Awards, Prospect Library Bookweek Writing competition, Adelaide Show Junior Art and Craft competitions.
Making Change in SA Parliament
Four PPS students made history having their names recorded in our Parliament’s Hansard after they initiated the momentous name change of the Strangers Gallery to the Public Gallery.
As an amazing example of student voice and agency by this student initiative we have received many accolades and messages of congratulations from our community and those in education including our Education Director who recognised the significance of such an achievement. We were extremely excited to be informed that in 2023 the students have been invited to Government House by the Honourable Frances Adamson AC to receive ‘The Governor’s Civics Award’ for a Yr 6 group.
2023 National Lego League Competition
Two awards in 2023 with our team the Pixel Waves obtaining a Breakthrough Award and our second Team Creo obtaining a 1st Place in the core values award.
Primary Maths Association 2023 Winners
Winning Categories
Whole School Metro Winners
State Awards:
Foundation - Rooms 13 & 15
Year 1- Rooms 16 & 17
Year 4- Rooms 2 & 3
Year 4- Rooms 4 & 5
Highly commended:
Hidden figures -Year 5/6 Mindstretch
2022 National Lego League Competition
Our achievements have been celebrated nationally with five of our students participating in the National Lego League Competition in Melbourne. Again our students came home with an award, 2nd after showcasing core values indicative to the competition.
Primary Maths Association 2022 Winners
Winning Categories
Year 3 - Room 8
Years 5/6 - Hidden Figures Mindstretch Class