Starting School
When can I start?
A mid-year intake into preschool and school is starting in 2023. Parents can enrol children born in the middle of the year at a time appropriate to their age and their stage of development.
Mid-year intake will start in:
preschools in 2023
schools in 2024.
Term 1, 2023 – January intake
Children who turn 4 years old before 1 May can continue to start preschool at the beginning of the year.
Term 3, 2023 – July intake (mid-year)
Children who turn 4 years old from 1 May to 31 October can commence preschool at the start of term 3.
All preschool children will receive 600 hours of preschool across 4 terms.
Children starting preschool in the 2023 mid-year intake, will complete terms 3 and 4 plus terms 1 and 2 of the following year. They will then start school in term 3, 2024 for the 2024 mid-year intake.
A mid-year intake will start in schools for term 3, 2024. Students who start school through a mid-year intake complete 6 terms of reception.
Your child must be at school by their sixth birthday.
For further information on Starting school in South Australia
At Prospect Primary School children normally have three morning transition visits prior to commencing school. An information session for parents is also held. The school will inform parents via email of the exact days and times for transition.