The Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) service at Prospect Primary School is operated by the Prospect Primary School Governing Council. The council has authorised the principal of Prospect Primary to operate this service on their behalf.
At Prospect Primary School OSHC, our team is committed to provide students with high quality care that is inclusive and safe. We aim to provide students with a rich learning environment that fosters free play, social interactions, investigation, creativity and adventure as well as challenges students.
Students at Prospect Primary School OSHC: Our team believes that each student is important and has individual needs and interests. We aim to provide a variety of stimulating, engaging activities which take into account each student’s individual needs, interests, abilities, ages and cultural backgrounds.
We believe that students have the right to:
Be treated equally and feel included, comfortable, safe and secure at OSHC.
Be included in program planning and implementation. To be able to openly express ideas, creativity and feelings naturally and responsibly. Be involved in a well-balanced program which addresses all aspects of the child – physical, social, emotional, cognitive, creativity and language.
Be nurtured in a caring environment which fosters and extends their talents and interests, and adopts the principles of equal opportunity and social justice in a relaxing and recreational manner.
We aim to encourage:
The development of stable, caring relationships with staff and other students.
The development of independence, interdependence and personal responsibility.
An awareness and understanding of differences in culture, language, gender, age needs and ability.
Skills to problem solve negotiation and self-regulation skills.
Awareness and respect for our environment.
Inclusivity of students with special and diverse needs to be involved in learning experiences and play.
Parents, Caregivers and Families of Prospect Primary School OSHC: Our OSHC team believes that parents, caregivers and families are a vital part of running a successful service. We aim to support parents, caregivers and families in their role as primary caregivers by:
Welcoming them to OSHC with a friendly and informative notice board.
Providing handbooks with service information and activities.
Encouraging their involvement within the centre by asking for feedback and suggestions.
To allow parents to discuss matters through conversation, in person as well as by email, text message and phone calls.
Respecting and also accommodating their child-rearing practices.
Providing parents, caregivers and families with information about their student’s time at OSHC.
Staff and Volunteers of Prospect Primary School OSHC: Our team provides quality care for the students at OSHC by:
Recognising that students are individuals and have an understanding of their different needs.
Educators provide a stimulating environment for students to allow for different learning experiences to be undertaken. The learning environment enhances social interactions and collaboration but also promotes spaces for quiet and independent learning.
Working as a cohesive team is an important aspect at Prospect Primary School OSHC staff group. The cohesion at the service works as members of the team communicate and make decisions collaboratively.
Staff are sensitive to the needs of parents, caregivers and families and are able to respond to these needs professionally through open communication.
We are committed to providing:
Support of staff through encouragement for and access to staff development.
Opportunities to be involved in decision making and receiving constructive and timely feedback.
An environment which is supportive of the individual worker, especially in relation to their physical, professional and emotional needs.