The Material & Service fee is used, together with DfE grants, to provide your child with text books, educational materials, apparatus and equipment in all subjects during the course of study at the school. This invoice is sent out early in Term 1. Payment for excursions, performances, camps and swimming/aquatics are paid in addition to the materials and services fee.
Parents in financial difficulty may apply to have school fees paid by the Government through the School Card Scheme. For enquiries regarding School Card and for application forms, please contact the Finance Office.
* Qkr!
Qkr! is a free, secure mobile application for fast and easy payment of school accounts. The application is owned and operated by Mastercard. How to download the Qkr app.
* Direct Debit
Contact the Front Office to obtain the necessary application form.
* Credit card (over the phone and in person)
* Cash (least preferred option)